What You Need to Know About the Physical Effects of Anxiety

Anxiety affects your body as well as your mind. In addition to worrying and feeling nervous, you may experience changes in your immune function, circulatory system, and other areas. Anxiety may also be caused by physical conditions and may increase your risk for certain disorders.

It’s an important issue, because anxiety is the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting an estimated 40 million adults each year. It can take many different forms, including generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety, or phobias.

Whatever the cause, anxiety usually responds well to medical treatment and lifestyle modifications. If you or someone you know is being treated for anxiety, consider these physical changes that you may want to address.

Managing the Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

anxiety spelled on wooden blocks

When you’re stressed, your body releases hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, that prepare you for fight or flight. Since such physical responses are rarely required in modern life, those chemicals now wind up interfering with natural body functions.

Whilst you can’t eliminate stress, you can use strategies for dealing with it more constructively.

Try These Ideas to Relieve Anxiety

close up of lady with closed eyes
  • Breathe Deeply: When you’re tense, your breathing tends to become rapid and shallow. Remind yourself to slow down and breathe from your abdomen instead of your chest. You’ll feel calmer and increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients to your brain and other organs.
  • Avoid infections. Anxiety may hamper your immune system. Take extra precautions against catching colds and other bugs. Wash your hands and keep them away from your face.
  • Dress in layers. Blood vessels sometimes constrict as the result of chronic stress, making it more difficult to regulate your body temperature. Keep a sweater or wrap handy if you’re prone to sweats and chills.
  • Eat well. Anxiety has a major impact on your digestion. You may overeat or lose your appetite. You may experience irritable bowel syndrome or stomach churning. Plan out your meals and snacks to give your body the nutrients and calories it needs.
  • Limit caffeine. Does coffee give you the jitters? Try cutting back on caffeine to see if you feel more at ease. You may want to avoid coffee completely or limit yourself to one cup a day.
  • Exercise regularly. Physical activity is one of the most effective and constructive methods for dealing with stress. Find a variety of activities that you enjoy. Invite a friend or family member to work out with you so you’ll have more fun and increase your chances of being consistent.
  • Rest and Relax: Anxiety often interferes with sleep, so remove any obstacle you can. Go to bed at the same time each night and keep your bedroom dark and quiet. Relax during the day with meditation, instrumental music, or a warm bath.

Identifying the Physical Causes of Anxiety

Anxiety disorders usually develop in childhood or early adulthood. You may want to see your doctor if you begin to have excessive anxiety later in life, so you can rule out physical causes.

little girl with teddy bear

These are some of the issues to look for:

  • Overactive or under-active thyroid. Overactive and under active thyroids are among the most common physical causes of anxiety. Your doctor can perform simple tests to help you receive appropriate treatment.
  • Issues in the brain. Brain tumours are rare, but they can cause psychological changes. An early diagnosis increases your chances of recovery.
  • Chronic conditions. Struggling with a chronic condition can make you more vulnerable to anxiety.

Understanding the physical effects of anxiety can help you heal your mind and body. Talk with a doctor or therapist about your individual concerns and learn to manage stress so you can enjoy greater physical comfort and peace of mind.

At my vibrant vibes you can book a variety of treatments to help with anxiety may be an emotional freedom technique session or a Reiki these can both be done distant or in person usually with distance are you Skype or zoom so let’s get your anxiety issues gone with these powerful techniques that are used in my clinic in Darlington County Durham you can book at  www.myvibrantvibes.com.

What is trauma and is it affecting me now?

Have you had unstable childhood, a car accident, a rape or violent assault, if these are in your past they may be affecting your present health right now. These are all incidents just a few examples, that made you believe that you are in danger of being seriously injured or losing your life. Research has shown that these events can trigger emotional and even physical reactions that can make a sprained her number of different health conditions including stroke, heart attack, obesity, diabetes and cancer.

angel representing trauma

Ways in which trauma can happen include:

  • Living in a traumatic atmosphere
  • Witnessing harm to somebody else
  • A one off or an ongoing event
  • Being directly harmed
  • Discrimination
  • Being affected by trauma in a family or community.

What happens when you’ve experienced a traumatic event?

During a traumatic event your body’s defences take affect and create a stress response which may make you feel a variety of physical symptoms. This is called a fight or flight response when your body produces chemicals which prepare your body for an emergency and it can lead to symptoms such as increased heart rate, raised blood pressure, reduce stomach activity causing loss of appetite, increased sweating. These are normal responses as it’s your body is incredible way of responding to an emergency making it easier for you to fight or run away.

It is very usual for people directly after the event to experience shock and denial and I see this in my clinic so many times when I’m working with emotional freedom technique or Reiki. There can be a range of other feelings such as anger guilt and sadness and if these persist they can lead to more serious mental health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression.

child covering ears shocked

It is important to turn to others for support and sometimes it is difficult to talk to friends or family after a traumatic event especially if it was involvement with family. Sometimes people need space to process it however it is important to be around other people when you feel able to as they can often help with your recovery and well-being. It is important to look after your health and well-being this may be including taking a break or some time away to deal with your experience. In my experience it is always vital to keep a healthy diet and stay away from alcohol or drugs which normally can make the situation worse.

It is important to seek professional help if you are experiencing symptoms that are affecting your day-to-day life as soon as possible so you can begin to get better. The first approach should be your family doctor or GP but if you want to try out a new therapy that you have never tried before then I highly recommend emotional freedom technique called EFT tapping. I am a qualified certified EFT practitioner and have worked with a wide range of clients via Skype or Zoom or in person in my Darlington based clinic in County Durham. I would love to help you release anything that’s blocking you from living your life as you deserve it, in Joy peace and abundance. My website to book for any emotional treatments is www.myvibrantvibes.com I’m so looking forward to seeing you all working with you let’s get your power back today!

Eight captivating reasons why you should harness the power of Reiki and have a treatment.

It appears that Reiki treatment helps lessen the impact of stress, releasing tension from the entire system. Not only can you move toward your own unique balance in body, mind and spirit.

How does Reiki relate to other integrative therapies?

The National Centre for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) describes Reiki as a complementary and alternative medicine practice that uses putative (yet to be measured) energy fields, or biofields, to affect health. Energy biofield therapies “generally reflect the concept that human beings are infused with subtle forms of energy,” which are believe to surround and interpenetrate human form. Energy therapies, such as therapeutic touch and Healing Touch, are believed to balance these subtle energy fields.

As promised, here are Eight benefits of Reiki

Number One, Reduces Depression And Anxiety: Studies have shown that Reiki can help to reduce depression and anxiety by changing your mood. Reiki has been shown to help those in a negative mood, change and feel more positive through receiving the life force energy and dissolving any energetic blockages. Once your mood improves, your stress levels can reduce as well as any anxiety you might have. This, in turn, will help accelerate your manifestation journey.

lady running fingers through hair

Number Two, Reiki Helps You Regain Focus: Through Reiki, you allow the universe’s energy to flow through you, as more of it flows through your body, mind, and soul, it clears out a lot of clutter. Reiki puts your chakras–the centre of spiritual power in the human body–in balance. When your chakras are balanced, you will begin to feel like you have gained a new perspective on life. Everything will appear clearer – your life, your adversities, your career path, everything. This shift helps you regain focus in your life. When you truly understand the importance of different aspects of your life, you can prioritize them better. Proper prioritization helps you get things done. Once you get into this cycle of clarity, it will sustain itself.

Number Three, Reiki may help to promote balance and harmony: Reiki healing works directly on restoring balance at all levels and can work directly on the issue rather than masking or relieving symptoms. It is an affective non-invasive energy healing modality that enhances the body’s natural healing ability whilst energising and promoting overall wellness.

Number Four, Reiki can enhance your overall well-being: Research is in a small 2016 study found that Reiki was helpful in improving the quality of life for women with cancer. Women who had Reiki showed improvements in depression levels, improve sleep patterns, self-confidence, sense of calm, relaxation and inner peace.

Number Five, Reiki can also help you heal emotionally: I have had great success in my clinic with clients and have used it to help people with their energy bringing them spiritual growth. I have also found Reiki to clean people’s emotions and strengthen their relationships enhancing their capability to love which therefore enables them to deeply connect with others.

read heart emotional health and love

Number Six, Reiki may help you to reconnect with your heart and your higher self: It can help clear negative energy and to help you reconnect with your true centre, which can help you bring about awareness of any negative patterns that you may be holding onto and letting them take over.

Number Seven, Reiki offers relief during emotional distress and sorrow: Reiki can help in the grieving process, by cleaning and clearing the emotions, preventing them from being so draining and offers them perspective. I have also had great success with grief with clients that might not have been dealt with at the time and can cause emotional blocks or patterns in someone’s life.

Number Eight, On a physical level Reiki may help to relieve pain: From migraine, sciatica, arthritis, it may also help with symptoms of asthma, chronic fatigue, insomnia, menopausal symptoms. It may also help to speed up recovery from surgery or long-term illness.

plasters in a cross

Private sessions with me are tailored to your specific needs I am a Reiki Master and my clinic is in Darlington County Durham, however I work with a lot of people doing distant Reiki which I have found just to be as effective as in person. Why not try this fantastic treatment and head on down to www.myvibrantvibes.com and let empower you on your journey to self-discovery and healing with this powerful technique.

Emotional Freedom Technique What Is It and Can It Help Me?

Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT for short, is a painless and relaxing method of healing which can help to boost your Confidence and Self-esteem. You will lose Anxiety, Stress, Fears and Phobias.  You can learn to Public Speak, improve your Sports Performance, cope with cravings and more.. I just so love this treatment or therapy such a powerful tool in my clinic I’m astounded with the results especially combined with Reiki.

What is emotional freedom technique?

lady at sunset in field

Emotional freedom technique is a form of counselling intervention that draws on various theories of alternative medicine including acupuncture, energy medicine, thought field, Acupuncture.

How does EFT tapping work?

It has similarities to Acupuncture, EFT focuses on the meridian points or energy hotspots to restore balance to your bodies energy. EFT tapping uses fingertips Tapping to apply pressure. EFT tapping may help you to access your bodies energy and send signals to the parts of the brain that control stress.

What are the pressure points for tapping?

There are the eight main tapping points and one points on your hand known as the karate chop point on the heel or side of your hand. The other eight points are, your eyebrow, side of your eye, under your eye, under your nose, your chin, your collarbone, under your arm and on top of your head.

green eye pressure point for tapping

It is based on Chinese medicine; Meridian points are thought of as areas of the energy bodies flows through. These pathways help balance energy flow to maintain your health because any imbalance can influence disease or sickness.

EFT Tapping in Five Steps:

Identifying the issue

Firstly, we identified the issue in order for this technique to be affective, this will be the focal point why are you are tapping, focusing one problem at a time to enhance your outcome.

Testing the initial intensity:

After the problem area is identified a benchmark level of intensity is set. The intensity level is rated on a scale from 0 to 10 with 10 being the most difficult or intense. The scale assesses the emotional or physical pain and discomfort someone might feel from the issue. Also by stab leash in a benchmark it helps to monitor the progress after performing a complete EEFT sequence. If your initial intensity was 10 prior to tapping and ended it for you have accomplished a good improvement level, however it is my aim when I’m in clinic with my clients to get them at a 0 or 1.

The setup phrase:

When I’m with a client prior to tapping we always need to establish a phrase that explains what they are trying to address it needs to focus on two main goals, acknowledging the issues and excepting oneself despite the problem. A common set up phrase is’ even though I have this……. Fear or problem, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

what's your story written on a chalk board

EFT tapping sequence:

There are 12 major meridians that mirror each side of the body and correspond to an internal organ EEFT or emotional freedom technique usually focuses on these nine.

  • Small intestine Meridian- karate chop point
  • Governing vessel-top of the head
  • Bladder meridian-eyebrow point
  • Go bladder meridian – Side of the eye
  • Stomach Meridian – under the eye
  • Governing vessel – under the nose
  • Central vessel – on the chin point
  • Kidney meridian – beginning of the collarbone
  • Spleen Meridian – under the arm

The wording is in essential part of the process because it tells our system what we are working on. Negative emotions will come out because we are tuned into certain thoughts or circumstances which in turn cause our energy systems to disrupt. Once tuned into the issue the tapping stimulates the energies pathways there by balancing the resulting energy disruptions.

Finally, we test the final intensity:

At the end of the sequence I usually get my clients to rate the intensity from 0 to 10 comparing their results with their initial intensity level and if they haven’t reach zero we keep repeating the process.

dice cubes

If you haven’t tried this amazing technique before and you would like to find out more information please visit my website www.myvibrantvibes.com I am a certified EEFT practitioner with tons of experience in this Truly mind blowing form of healing. Contact me now and let’s knock out those limiting beliefs, patterns, negative thinking that have held you back for years.

11 Tips for Overcoming Anger and Gaining Peace

Anger is a common human emotion, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a victim of this negative emotion. As adults, we have an obligation to society and ourselves to avoid allowing our emotions from getting the best of us.

There are many responses you can choose when faced with a situation that makes your blood boil. A responsible person finds a way to cool their anger and find peace.

Learn to manage anger arriving at peaceful solutions with these strategies:

pebbles sitting on a peaceful beach
Peace & tranquillity for the mind, body & soul
  1. Consider the negative consequences of anger. It’s tempting to run with your anger in the short-term but giving in to anger can cause even more challenges. Before lashing out or taking what you consider to be appropriate steps, think about how things will be when the dust settles.
  2. Give yourself a timeout. Timeouts aren’t just for little kids. Adults need timeouts, too. Give yourself a few minutes to allow a level of reason to return to your brain. You’ll be in a better position to make appropriate decisions.
  3. Let others be wrong. You don’t have to prove that someone is wrong. Just let them be wrong. If you have a strong desire to prove to them that they’re wrong, that’s just your ego barking.
  4. Decide if happiness or being right is more important. Many arguments are the result of wanting to be right. If you choose happiness over winning every argument, you can enjoy your life much more. Which is more important to you?
  5. Take a minute to notice your anger. Instead of mindlessly reacting to your anger, take a moment to examine it. Pretend you’re a third-party witnessing your anger. What does it feel like to you? Is the feeling in your stomach, chest, or head? Is your heart beating faster? Are your hands shaking?

By disengaging from your anger, you can gain a different perspective and de-energize your emotions.

monastery archways
How will you change your perspective?
  1. Ask yourself why you’re upset. Did someone physically harm you? Did they let you down? Violate one of your values? Figure out why you’re upset, and you’ll be halfway to finding a solution.
  2. Focus on the big picture. Imagine that you knew the world would come to an end next Friday. Would you really be upset if someone stole your parking space? Of course not.
  3. Look for solutions, rather than making yourself feel better. Acting in anger is about making yourself feel better. Rather than seeking to even the score, work on finding a solution. The outcome is much better.
  4. Be sure you understand the situation. Why get angry before you know the facts? Ensure the issue isn’t actually a miscommunication.
  5. Learn relaxation techniques. The calmer and more relaxed you are on a regular basis, the less likely you are to become angry. Relaxation techniques can also be helpful after the fact. Learn how to relax yourself. It’s a skill that can be learned.
  6. See your anger as a practice opportunity to find peace. Each time you feel upset, view the situation as a chance to practice your anger-management skills. It’s a blessing in disguise. Commit yourself to handling this bout of anger better than you did the last time.

Avoid letting anger get the best of you. As a thoughtful human being, you have options available to you. Seek to find solutions and peace rather than giving in to your immediate impulses. Make the smart choice! EfT tapping can be a useful tool in releasing anger, is there something that you’re angry about, big or small, that you would like to release?

How free would you like to be from anger?

In my clinic at My Vibrant Vibes I’m not going to ask you to just let it go, I’m going to actually encourage you to feel and acknowledge that anger first and then, potentially, when the time is right let it go. If EFT is something you would like to try, book your appointment with me.

Book your appointment and set yourself free and you can do this via Skype or Zoom or in our Darlington Clinic where we will create that beautiful space for you.

Are You Controlled by Your Emotions? 7 Signs That Say You Are

Do you control your emotions or do your emotions control you? Everyone likes to think they have control over their emotions, but there are plenty of common signs that show that it’s quite rare for someone to have mastered their emotions.

Our emotions lead our behavior. You just might discover that you have less mastery over yourself than you thought.

How much control do you really have?

yellow emotional ball faces
Consider these signs that indicate your emotions control you:

Number 1: You procrastinate. What is procrastination? It’s the inability to get yourself to do something you know you should be doing. Eventually you’ll do it, but not at the best time.

Why does this happen? It happens because you don’t feel like doing it, so you find a way to squirm out of it, at least in the short term.

Number 2: You lose your temper easily. Do small things make you see red? Do you lose your temper every day?

When you lose your temper, you lose the ability to think and reason like a rational human being. If you had control over your emotions, could you lose your temper?

Number 3: You do what is easy or enjoyable, instead of what is needed. At any moment, there’s what you should be doing and what you want to do. Rarely are they the same thing.

So, which do you do? Do you show discipline and do what is important? Or do you give in to the urge to do something else?

This is the biggest obstacle to success. We all know what needs to be done, but we can’t get ourselves to do it often enough to enjoy lasting success.

Number 4: You repeat your mistakes. One way of knowing that you’re driven by your emotions is an inability to change your behaviour. Repeating mistakes demonstrates that your intellect is being overridden by your emotions.

If your powers of reasoning were in charge, you wouldn’t repeat your mistakes.

Number 5: You fail to consider the consequences of your actions. When your emotions are calling the shots, any consideration of consequences goes right out the window.

OMG red angry face
Are you wondering how differently you could have acted?

If you allow your emotions to be in control, your tendency will be to make yourself feel better now without concern for the future.

Number 6: You frequently regret the things you say and do. How often do you say something that you wish you could take back later? Impulsive actions and outbursts show that your emotions have control over your decision-making process.

Number 7: Your actions are influenced by your mood. Do you make the same decisions regardless of your emotions? Good for you. Those that are controlled by their emotions make different decisions depending on how they feel that day.

How much control do you have? Do your emotions drive your thoughts and behavior? It’s not easy to learn how to override our emotions and allow rational thinking to prevail.

We’re all masters at justifying what we desire. Make an effort to think before acting or speaking. Ask yourself what the smart decisions is, and then do everything you can to follow that course of action.

colourful flying kite representing emotional freedom
Fly high, feel fantastic!

EFT which is emotional freedom technique and Reiki are a good combination to help you with your emotions, Tapping can help you access your bodies energy and send signals to the part of the brain that control stress. Stimulating the Meridian points through EFT tapping can reduce the stress or negative emotion you feel from your issue, ultimately restoring balance to your disrupted energy. Reiki can be an aid to relaxation, assist in the body’s natural healing process, and develop emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Reiki can help people cope with difficulties, relieve emotional stress, and improve overall well-being. So why not head to www.myvibrantfives.co.uk and book an appointment in person or via Skype or Zoom.

Let’s do this!

Top Tips on Tackling Anxiety

If you’ve landed here, you’re probably open to advice and guidance on help with anxiety. Throughout this post you will find a number of tips that you may have read before. The question is, are you ready to take action? Reading about healing methods alone, will not work. You have to find it within yourself to put certain tasks into action. The more you manage to commit, the better you will begin to feel.

Are you ready?

Breathing. Sounds simple doesn’t it, yet it’s amazing how anxiety takes each and every breath for granted. You may notice during times of panic or even throughout every day tasks, your breathing becomes shallow. Of course, you may never have noticed this until now. Focus for just a second. How exactly are you breathing?

Try deep breathing;

If you’ve never tried this exercise, now is the time. Sit for just a few minutes and close your eyes. Breathe as you usually would through the nostrils. Try not to control your breathing at this point.

How does it feel?

Become aware of how breaths feel when entering and leaving your body. Take one hand and place it on your tummy with the other on your chest and try the following:

  • Take a deep breath in for four counts
  • Hold that breath for a count of just three
  • Gently release for a count of four

Whilst doing this you should notice the hand on your tummy goes in whilst inhaling and moves back out on the exhale.

Concentration is key;

Despite the likeliness of a busy mind, it’s important to concentrate solely on breathing whilst trying to shut everything else out. And it’s ok to do so. You’re allowed to take this time out for YOU. By this point it may feel as though your mind is becoming more active. What’s actually happening is you’re gaining insight into just how busy it is in your head. Each time a new thought pops up, try not to follow it as opposed to regaining focus upon your breath.

It’s called belly breathing!

Taking the time out to follow through with a little belly breathing really makes a difference. Even just ten minutes of ultimate focus helps to relax the mind. Whilst making this a daily habit won’t necessarily cure anxiety, it’s certainly taking you one step closer to managing the symptoms. 

A tidy space is a tidy mind

Familiar with this phrase? People living with anxiety tend to have extremely busy and cluttered minds. Thoughts are racing ten to the dozen and it becomes exhausting.

Could you declutter?

Let’s go back to the belly breathing for just a second. Perhaps you could make this a daily routine before even leaving your bed. Decluttering thoughts first thing on a morning works wonders, offering that little ‘pick me up’ before going about daily routines.

With the mind taken care of, what about space?

When was the last time you had a good sort through your wardrobe? Is it neatly organised currently or jam packed with items you’ve not worn in a decade? You’ll be surprised at just how much better you will feel whilst belly breathing in a less cluttered environment. Why not give it a go? You’ll feel accomplished.

What’s next?

This one may be tough but honestly, it’s essential for looking after general health and well-being.

Go to bed early

One of the biggest contributing factors to anxiety is lack of sleep. Again, it’s inevitable that night time brings about that busy mind once again and it’s important to learn how to deal with this. Here’s some tips:

  • Have a warm bath or shower
  • Execute belly breathing in a decluttered space
  • Refrain from watching television in your bedroom
  • Ensure your phone is well out of reach
  • Concentrate on breathing to relax the mind

Again, reading these tips and putting them into practice are two very different things. It will be difficult but as with anything, the more you practice, the easier it becomes.

Ever noticed palpitations?

Anxiety sufferers will be all too familiar with rapid heartbeats several times a day. Did you know that too much caffeine can actually cause palpitations? This happens to those without anxiety disorders so when adding one into the mix….. I need say no more. If coffee is your crutch, consider reducing it or even working your way to decaf. Why add an unnecessary trigger to an already sometimes debilitating disorder?

How about sugar?

Similarly to caffeine, sugar works as a stimulant and can contribute to increased anxiety and even panic attacks. By looking closely at your current eating habits and by making small changes, you will notice a difference. Perhaps keeping a food diary would help? Take note of what you’re eating and how you feel afterwards. You may be surprised to notice particular patterns and even consider food intolerance testing.

Now here’s the biggy…..

If you’re open to trying the above tips in managing anxiety, I’d like to ask that you stretch your mind a little further.

Try the Emotional Freedom Technique

If you’d really like to rid yourself from the anxiety that’s holding you back, this technique is for you. Working a self-help method for the body and the mind, the Emotional Freedom Technique is a method I can tell you works, through personal experience.

How does it work?

Derived from traditional Chinese energy related medicine, EFT involves gentle fingertip tapping across a number of acupuncture and meridian endpoints. Carried out across the face and upper body, it’s non invasive and extremely effective. Sessions encourage response transformations to uncomfortable thoughts, memories and feelings. Through a newly heightened awareness of how negativities affect our bodies, you will find the amount of relief pleasantly surprising.

If you feel committed to making positive changes in your life, the above tips are the perfect place to start. Tackle anxiety, don’t allow it to rule your life.

13 Ways to Tame Anxiety

Anxiety is a common affliction, and that’s not surprising.

The modern world is much more demanding and complex than our brains were designed to handle. Pain is a symptom of a broken body. Anxiety is a symptom of a broken mind.

pedestrians representing a busy modern world
We all get caught up in the hustle & bustle of life

Consider all you ask you mind to do. You want everyone to like you. You don’t ever want to be embarrassed. You want everyone to like everything you say and do. You don’t want anyone to hurt you in any way. You don’t want anything to happen that you don’t like.

That’s a lot to ask of your mind. No wonder you feel anxious.

Reduce the intensity of your anxiety with these strategies:

Number One, Go for a Run: Actually, it doesn’t have to be a run. It could be a yoga class, tennis match, long walk, or some good old-fashioned calisthenics. Exercise is an effective way to burn off that extra stress.

Number Two, Declutter your life: Clutter adds to anxiety. Tidy up your environment and notice how much better you feel. Start with the rooms and areas in which you spend the most time. Include your personal space at work, too.

Number Three, Declutter your brain: Take care of the things that are on your mind. Procrastination creates mental clutter and stress. Trying to remember things is challenging for your brain too. Make lists and use a calendar and alarms to ease the load on your poor brain.

Number Four, Spend time with your pet: Pets are great for reducing anxiety. Play on the floor with your cat. Take the dog for a walk. Sit and watch your fish.

Number Five, Think about something positive: You’re only anxious because you’re thinking about something that makes you anxious. Give yourself a break and think about something else for a while.

beautiful day written on cup
Read some positive quotes

Number Six, Change your diet: Your diet can have a negative impact on your stress levels. Play around with your food choices and find out what works for you.

Number Seven, Give yourself something to look forward to: It can be a great relief to have something positive to look forward to. No matter how stressed you are about work, knowing that you’re heading out of town for a couple of days next weekend can take the edge off.

Number Eight, Distract yourself: This is what bad habits are, distractions. However, not all distractions are bad habits. Read a good book. Re-watch your favourite movie. Try a new restaurant.

Number Nine, Find a solution: Maybe you can solve the issue that’s creating your anxiety. If there’s something you can do to resolve the situation, get busy and do it!

Number Ten, Take slow, deep breaths: Your breathing naturally becomes shallow and faster when you’re stressed. You can counteract a lot of the physical symptoms of anxiety by just slowing down your breaths and increasing the depth.

Number Eleven, Play the name five things game: Bring your mind back to the present. Look around your environment and name five things you see. Now, name five things you feel. For example, “I feel the pencil in my hand. It feels smooth and warm.”

Number Twelve, Smell the air and describe what you smell: Smell nearby objects until you’ve described five smells.

leaves in the sky
Raise your head, close your eyes, take it all in

Number Thirteen, Dance. Or sing. Or jump around: Do something you don’t normally do. Anything out of the ordinary can break your pattern and relieve some of your anxiety.

Get help. It nothing seems to work, seek professional help.

Give you mind and body a break by minimizing your anxiety. Avoid the belief that you just have to suffer with the discomfort of anxiety. Do everything you can to find relief without making your challenges worse. If you’re unable to find a suitable solution, get help from a professional.

What is Reiki and How can it Heighten Your Self-Development?

An integral aspect of the human experience is striving to develop and improve yourself however you can. Although you may have heard of Reiki, you might not realise how you can raise your own level of development upon undergoing Reiki treatments.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient art of healing first practiced in 1922 by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist. The practice eventually spread to the western world and morphed into what is known as “Western Reiki” techniques.

pebble with Japanese writing

Here are some informative facts about Reiki:

Number One: Western Reiki includes 5-7 hand positions used by Reiki practitioners. These hand positions are used to affect the recipient’s “chakras” or “meridians,” locations of theoretical sacred energy reserves found throughout the body’s surface.

Number Two: The practitioner poses his hands in the hand positions near where the body’s energies are regulated to promote wellness and healing.

Number Three: The Reiki practitioner might place his hands lightly on the body at the chakra points. He might look at the chakra point or even gently massage the chakra location in hopes of transferring energy to the recipient. Light tapping near the meridians or the practitioner blowing out air from the mouth might also be part of a Reiki treatment.

Number Four: Some Reiki practitioners do not touch the recipient. Instead, they place their hands a few centimetres above the body’s surface to re-position the chakras’ energy.

Number Five: The Reiki practitioner believes he is providing energy called, “ki,” through his palms. This is to balance the receiver’s body energies.

Number Six: Although Reiki is an ancient practice, it isn’t supported by science. Research on Reiki has consistently come up with no real evidence of the “life force,” or ki, or how it can impact the individual, positively or otherwise.

precious stones used for reiki

How Does Reiki Heighten Self-Development?

Because Reiki isn’t scientifically proven, you might be wondering how it could actually help you in your quest for deepened self-development.

Consider these points:

Number One: Undergoing Reiki allows you to relax. During Reiki you’re laying down quietly, usually on a masseuse’s table. You’ll likely be relaxed throughout the process, lessening stress.

Number Two: Taking part in Reiki is a unique experience. There are few other experiences that are similar to having Reiki done. In a sense, it will expand your mind to take part in Reiki-it’s a new and different experience. Reiki might even peak your interest in the healing arts.

Number Three: Suggestion is powerful. When Reiki practitioners deliver their treatment methods, they’ll likely make certain suggestions about balancing your chakras and meridians. Because you’ll be so relaxed at the time, it’s possible that you’ll take in the suggestions and do what’s necessary to feel better. You might become more open to acting on helpful suggestions.

Number Four: Taking part in Reiki can increase your feelings of well-being. Although the effects of Reiki haven’t been proven, when you do anything to feel better, it can be helpful because you’re giving attention to the troubling issue. In this case, undergoing Reiki may be a means to an end.

Number Five: Reiki is a fascinating healing art that could peak your interest and heighten your self-improvement. There are times in life when it’s refreshing to try something new, different, and a bit unusual. You’ll relax, have a unique experience, and increase your well-being.

waterfall representing freedom

Open your mind to this unique healing art form that just might be your cup of tea for strengthened health and increased self-development.