If you’ve landed here, you’re probably open to advice and guidance on help with anxiety. Throughout this post you will find a number of tips that you may have read before. The question is, are you ready to take action? Reading about healing methods alone, will not work. You have to find it within yourself to put certain tasks into action. The more you manage to commit, the better you will begin to feel.
Are you ready?
Breathing. Sounds simple doesn’t it, yet it’s amazing how anxiety takes each and every breath for granted. You may notice during times of panic or even throughout every day tasks, your breathing becomes shallow. Of course, you may never have noticed this until now. Focus for just a second. How exactly are you breathing?
Try deep breathing;
If you’ve never tried this exercise, now is the time. Sit for just a few minutes and close your eyes. Breathe as you usually would through the nostrils. Try not to control your breathing at this point.
How does it feel?
Become aware of how breaths feel when entering and leaving your body. Take one hand and place it on your tummy with the other on your chest and try the following:
- Take a deep breath in for four counts
- Hold that breath for a count of just three
- Gently release for a count of four
Whilst doing this you should notice the hand on your tummy goes in whilst inhaling and moves back out on the exhale.
Concentration is key;
Despite the likeliness of a busy mind, it’s important to concentrate solely on breathing whilst trying to shut everything else out. And it’s ok to do so. You’re allowed to take this time out for YOU. By this point it may feel as though your mind is becoming more active. What’s actually happening is you’re gaining insight into just how busy it is in your head. Each time a new thought pops up, try not to follow it as opposed to regaining focus upon your breath.
It’s called belly breathing!
Taking the time out to follow through with a little belly breathing really makes a difference. Even just ten minutes of ultimate focus helps to relax the mind. Whilst making this a daily habit won’t necessarily cure anxiety, it’s certainly taking you one step closer to managing the symptoms.
A tidy space is a tidy mind
Familiar with this phrase? People living with anxiety tend to have extremely busy and cluttered minds. Thoughts are racing ten to the dozen and it becomes exhausting.
Could you declutter?
Let’s go back to the belly breathing for just a second. Perhaps you could make this a daily routine before even leaving your bed. Decluttering thoughts first thing on a morning works wonders, offering that little ‘pick me up’ before going about daily routines.
With the mind taken care of, what about space?
When was the last time you had a good sort through your wardrobe? Is it neatly organised currently or jam packed with items you’ve not worn in a decade? You’ll be surprised at just how much better you will feel whilst belly breathing in a less cluttered environment. Why not give it a go? You’ll feel accomplished.
What’s next?
This one may be tough but honestly, it’s essential for looking after general health and well-being.
Go to bed early
One of the biggest contributing factors to anxiety is lack of sleep. Again, it’s inevitable that night time brings about that busy mind once again and it’s important to learn how to deal with this. Here’s some tips:
- Have a warm bath or shower
- Execute belly breathing in a decluttered space
- Refrain from watching television in your bedroom
- Ensure your phone is well out of reach
- Concentrate on breathing to relax the mind
Again, reading these tips and putting them into practice are two very different things. It will be difficult but as with anything, the more you practice, the easier it becomes.
Ever noticed palpitations?
Anxiety sufferers will be all too familiar with rapid heartbeats several times a day. Did you know that too much caffeine can actually cause palpitations? This happens to those without anxiety disorders so when adding one into the mix….. I need say no more. If coffee is your crutch, consider reducing it or even working your way to decaf. Why add an unnecessary trigger to an already sometimes debilitating disorder?
How about sugar?
Similarly to caffeine, sugar works as a stimulant and can contribute to increased anxiety and even panic attacks. By looking closely at your current eating habits and by making small changes, you will notice a difference. Perhaps keeping a food diary would help? Take note of what you’re eating and how you feel afterwards. You may be surprised to notice particular patterns and even consider food intolerance testing.
Now here’s the biggy…..
If you’re open to trying the above tips in managing anxiety, I’d like to ask that you stretch your mind a little further.
Try the Emotional Freedom Technique
If you’d really like to rid yourself from the anxiety that’s holding you back, this technique is for you. Working a self-help method for the body and the mind, the Emotional Freedom Technique is a method I can tell you works, through personal experience.
How does it work?
Derived from traditional Chinese energy related medicine, EFT involves gentle fingertip tapping across a number of acupuncture and meridian endpoints. Carried out across the face and upper body, it’s non invasive and extremely effective. Sessions encourage response transformations to uncomfortable thoughts, memories and feelings. Through a newly heightened awareness of how negativities affect our bodies, you will find the amount of relief pleasantly surprising.
If you feel committed to making positive changes in your life, the above tips are the perfect place to start. Tackle anxiety, don’t allow it to rule your life.